Optimise embryo development in a protective in vitro environment
Support and protect the embryo
The in vitro environment exposes the embryo to factors which have the potential to negatively impact development. A culture system protecting the embryo and providing correct nutrients is a prerequisite for embryo viability and successful outcome.
Factors influencing pregnancy rates
Success in the laboratory hinges on meticulous attention to detail. Even minor disruptions in the environment can diminish an embryo’s ability to implant and subsequently reduce the likelihood of a live birth. Within the in vitro setting, gametes and embryos commonly face challenges.
To counter these, the chosen media should act as a buffer against external disturbances and optimise every embryo’s chance of developing into a baby. From the moment of sperm collection and oocyte retrieval to the point of transfer, gametes and embryos depend on media developed to nurture biological processes and streamline laboratory workflows.
Challenges in the in vitro setting
- Deviations in pH and temperature.
- Elevated osmolality.
- Exposure to reactive oxygen species
(ROS) stemming from suboptimal
plasticware, light and oxygen.

Vitrolife media in the IVF laboratory
Within the human body, embryos develop in an optimal microenviroment within the female reproductive tract, shielded from external stressors. The ideal media composition must be tailored to gametes and embryos, as well as adapted to the in vitro laboratory processes and equipment, which are changing over time. This necessitates precise control of pH, osmolality, and temperature, along with the avoidance of any form of toxicity.
Do you know the characteristics of the perfect oil for IVF?
Read this blog post for a guide through different types of oil and things to consider when choosing oil for your IVF culture.
Read blog post

Webinar: 'Antioxidants in human IVF - An innovation in culture media'
In this webinar Professor David Gardner is discussing the importance of antioxidants as an element of ART media and the potential for improved embryo viability. He is sharing his experience leading to the development of culture media complemented with a unique mix of antioxidants, additionally discussing the results from current clinical studies.
This live webinar was held in August 2021.
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